Monday, March 7, 2011

Devoir - homework!

Your first homework task for the blog this week is:
  • become a follower of this blog
  • think of ways we could communicate on the blog (with video etc.)
  • come up with a little introduction for yourself, we will translate it into French together


  1. Hey,

    I've become a follower! By the way, I love the pictures on the right side of the site. This blog is really cool, especially with the earth as the background. Will think about idea's, and post tonight!


  2. Yay i have finally got on =) Plus i agree with Nick, the choice of background was really funky for this topic! I love the... 'Frendsch'
    But i cannot wait untill we start to talk and interact!
    ~Alakaii~ (Alex)

  3. i finally got on!!!!!!:) i think the back ground suits this blog i think the frendsch is really cool
