Monday, March 21, 2011

Devoir trois - Homework three!

This week we worked on translating and filming our introductions. Make sure you finish these this week so we can upload them to the blog. For Monday next week you need to:

  • type up your introduction on the computer
  • bring a copy to school on a pendrive OR
  • email me a copy


  1. I have done all the things. I hope you got my email. And VERY funny and strange picture , above. Is this real or made up. If this way real that would be scary!


  2. lAUGHS nick... your so wierd. It can't be real. Co'z that is freaky. Oh.. i just read this notice on sunday woops... ill try to get it all done =(

  3. It could be. I watched a program that a person had 3 arms and 4 legs so I made him look like an octupus! Some people are born weird!

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  5. No Nick, people aren't born weird they just have dieses they are born with and can't help. Although some people do become weird later on in life but I think that it is called insane!

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  7. Great to read all these comments here, good thinking Saskia. It would be even better if you guys talked more about French than people with "weird" hands!
    Hopefully I will receive all those written versions of the introductions soon so that I can give out points! That's 50 already for you and Jack, Nick!

  8. Well I think with the radiation levels high in Japan, you could get some pretty weird births!

    Yay! 50 points. That wasn't too hard!
